Portrait of a Ukrainian woman with iPad
For Ukrainians

Learn German and
prepare for work

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Your advantages

You will receive an iPad with internet for participation.
Very easy to use!
Advice and coaching also in Ukrainian.
100% eligible for funding from the job center
or the employment agency.

Learn online - as easy as a video call

Our special offers
for Ukrainians

iPad with Gruoppencall of an integration course of the DGO

Group coaching - achieving more together

  • Learn German together with others
  • Overcoming hurdles (childcare, qualifications, housing, health)
  • Develop a professional perspective
Small groups icon
Small groups
Icon individual coaching
Individual coaching
Icon calendar
max. 24 weeks
Icon time
3 hours / day
Icon calendar
4 days / week
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Ukrainian woman watches an integration course at DGO on an iPad

Individual coaching

  • Learn German
  • Overcoming hurdles (childcare, qualifications, housing, health)
  • Develop a professional perspective
Small groups icon
Small groups
Icon individual coaching
Individual coaching
Icon calendar
max. 20 weeks
Icon time
1.5 hours / day
Icon calendar
2-3 days / week
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Portrait of a Ukrainian woman


  • Find a job
  • Job-related German training
  • Communication also in Ukrainian
Small groups icon
Small groups
Icon individual coaching
Individual coaching
Icon calendar
max. 12 weeks
Icon time
Individual appointments
Icon calendar
3 days / week
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"I learned a lot at DGO . And finally found a job!"

Participant 2023


How do I receive the grant?

Anyone who receives citizen's allowance or unemployment benefit receives a grant. This requirement must be met. 

Do you receive citizen's allowance from the Jobcenter? Then funding is possible!

Funding must be applied for at the Jobcenter. If the mediator agrees, the Jobcenter will cover 100% of the costs. You do not have to pay anything yourself.

We will help you with your application. Please give us your telephone number so that we can call you and help you.

How are the courses put together?

There are individual and group offers. In an individual offer, a coach is there for you alone.

If it is a group course, the group is put together in such a way that all participants have a similar language level.

How do I get the iPad?

You will receive the iPad in the post. In one package.

Once you have received the package, you will receive a call from us and we will help you step by step how to switch on the device.

It's quite simple.

You don't need any previous knowledge!

After the course, you send the device back to us. You will not incur any costs for this.

How do I access the Internet?

You will receive a device from us that already has access to the Internet.

So you can take part even if you don't have your own Internet connection.

We'll help you with the first steps. It's very simple.

You don't need any special knowledge for this.

What is a coach?

A coach does the coaching.

The coach helps you to make progress with your issues.


What topics can these be?

These are the issues that affect you directly and that still make it difficult for you to get a job in Germany.


For example:

  • Lack of childcare
  • Health topics
  • Questions about the labor market
  • How do I apply?
  • Where can I find vacancies?
  • How can I learn something?
  • What funding opportunities are there?
  • And much more.


Is a coach a teacher?


A teacher teaches you. The teacher has a curriculum and teaches content according to a plan. A teacher doesn't care whether the content suits you and your challenges. The focus is not on you, but on the content.

Coaching is different. It's about helping you in your individual situation. It's all about you!

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