Immigrant at the integration course at DGO in Plön
For migrants in Plön

Learn German and obtain your

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Your advantages

You learn in a group in Plön.
Central location of the course venue.
No technical requirements necessary
Funding by BaMF

Integration course in Plön:
Our offer

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Integration courses in Plön

Migrants on an integration course in Plön at DGO Germany
On site

General integration course

This course is just right for most migrant women.
  • 600 UE German up to language level B1
  • Our experienced teachers will support and guide you - from the very beginning to graduation.
  • You will then take two tests: "Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer" (DTZ) and "Leben in Deutschland" (LiD).
Course location:
Lübecker Straße 24-26, 24306 Plön
Small groups icon
Learning groups
Icon individual coaching
Individual coaching
Icon calendar
approx. 30 weeks
Icon time
5 UE / day
Icon calendar
5 days / week
Migrants on an integration course with literacy training at DGO Deutschland in Plön
On site

Integration course with literacy

If you can't read or write in your home language either, then this is the right course for you.
  • 300 units of literacy training and 600 units of German up to language level B1
  • Our experienced teachers will support and guide you through to graduation.
  • You will then take two tests: "Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer" (DTZ) and "Leben in Deutschland" (LiD).
Course location:
Lübecker Straße 24-26, 24306 Plön
Small groups icon
Smaller groups
Icon individual coaching
Individual coaching
Icon calendar
approx. 45 weeks
Icon time
5 UE / day
Icon calendar
5 days / week

Start dates


Integrationskurs >>in Vorbereitung<<
daily 9:00 - 12:15




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"I'm delighted that I can finally take part in an integration course in Plön!"

Participants 2024


What is an authorization certificate?

The most important requirement is that you have a certificate of eligibility. You can obtain a certificate of eligibility from the Jobcenter or the BaMF (Asylum and Refugee Protection Department). If you need help with this, please contact us. If you have the certificate of eligibility: Please click on register now. A form will appear where you can enter your name, telephone number and e-mail address. We will get back to you and help you get started quickly.

When does the next classroom course start?

We will inform you of the exact start date as soon as you have sent us your contact details. If no specific start date has been set, you will also be informed of this.

Are there any technical requirements?

No. There are no technical requirements for a classroom course, i.e. the course at our location in Plön.

What does it cost?

The entire course is funded by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BaMF). There is a personal contribution. You are exempt from this contribution if you receive unemployment benefit. If you receive unemployment benefit, you can also receive a travel allowance. You will still have to pay the cost of the textbook yourself. The exact costs you have to bear depend on your personal circumstances. We will be happy to inform you individually as soon as you have contacted us.

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