Permanent position: Language teacher (m/f/d) for online integration courses

Part-time | Remote

You teach "mobile". This means they do not have to travel. The participants are migrants, mostly with a refugee background.

The initial level is usually A0. We are interested in long-term cooperation. As we are active nationwide, new assignments are added regularly.

Our expectations of you:

- Relevant qualification (BAMF approval)

- Professional experience in teaching "German as a foreign language"

Please send your informative documents

- Curriculum vitae, preferably with photo

- Proof of qualification (highest degree, proof of specific qualification)


Please indicate,

- when you can start working for us,

- to what extent (hours/week) you can work for us,

- whether you can also provide literacy training (not a requirement)

- and through which job advertisement you became aware of us.

Please also state your salary expectations (with reference to a specific number of hours).

We look forward to receiving your application!

With best regards from Mainz

Dr. Bernd Curtius

DGO - German Society for Online Innovations GmbH

55124 Mainz

Place of work

Remote, Germany

Start of work

From: By arrangement

Become part of our team!

We look forward to receiving your application

Flat hierarchy

Shaping integration

Modern and online